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Turf Pesticides

"It's not the dose that makes the poison any more. It's the exposure to a wide array of environmental chemicals, even at the lowest levels of exposure, that can harm children's health."

- Dr. Leo Trasande, Langone Medical Center, New York University

Outdoor play and physical exercise are important aspects of every child's development, but they should not involve being exposed to toxic chemicals.

Chemical pesticides commonly used to kill weeds and prevent insects have been associated with an increased risk of cancer, neurological impairment, birth defects, asthma and other serious illnesses. Children are particularly vulnerable to these impacts due to their rapidly developing physiology, their hand-to-mouth behavior and their immature elimination and detoxification systems.

The ChildSafe School: Playing It Safe
Play Video
Learn about turf pesticides and children's health. Watch time 7:18

The good news is there are a wide variety of lawn care products and  techniques that can help you develop and maintain thick, lush, resilient turf without using chemical pesticides. In addition to being safer for young athletes, naturally-maintained fields tend to require less water, and are more resistant to drought and disease.

Pesticide Digest Cover - 2022.png
NTM Flyer pic.png

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